Zooland Vets

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Protect your pets, protect yourself—vaccinate today!

The Benefits of Vaccinating Our Animals

Pet vaccinations are an important part of responsible pet ownership. This helps prevent the spread of deadly infections that harm not only your pet but other animals and humans as well. Vaccine-preventable diseases include rabies, distemper, parvovirus, leukemia, Lyme disease, and Bordetella. Vaccines work by stimulating the animal’s immune system to produce antibodies that can fight the pathogen. Vaccinating animals reduces their risk of contracting these diseases, suffering, or dying. You can also save on the costs of treating these diseases, which can be very expensive and sometimes ineffective. Vaccines are safe, effective, and affordable, giving us peace of mind that our animals are safe and protected.

Vaccination Schedule

Cats & Dogs

1. At The Age Of 6 Weeks

2. At The Age Of 9 Weeks

3. The Age Of 12 Weeks

4. At The Age Of 15 Weeks

5. Every Year

1. Combo Vaccine

2. Combo Vac (Booster)

3. Rabies Vaccine

4. Rabies Vaccine (Booster)

5. Combo + Rabies Vaccine (Annual Booster)
