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Diagnostic/Lab Test

Progesterone Test

The canine progesterone test is a test that measures the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood of a female dog. Progesterone is a hormone that plays an important role in your dog’s reproductive cycle because it signals that your dog is ovulating and ready to breed. By regularly testing progesterone levels, breeders can determine the best time to breed and increase the chances of conception and a successful pregnancy.

Canine progesterone testing involves taking a blood sample from your dog and sending it to a lab or analyzing it using specialized equipment. Test results are reported numerically, usually expressed in nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). Depending on the type of sperm used and the method of insemination, different levels of progesterone may indicate the best time for reproduction. For example, natural artificial insemination or artificial vaginal insemination (AI) is usually performed when the progesterone level is approximately 5 ng/mL, while surgical AI using frozen semen is performed when the progesterone level is 20 ng/mL.

Canine progesterone testing can also be used to monitor your dog’s pregnancy status, as progesterone levels remain high throughout pregnancy. In addition, canine progesterone testing can help predict the due date by measuring the drop in progesterone levels that occurs before labor begins.

Progesterone Test Price

2500 Rs

Parvo Test

The canine parvo test is a test that can detect the presence of canine parvovirus, a highly contagious and potentially fatal disease that affects dogs. The canine parvovirus causes fever, fatigue, anemia, and severe gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and bloody stools. The virus is transmitted through contact with contaminated feces or contaminated objects and can survive in the environment for a long time. Therefore, early detection and isolation of infected dogs is very important to prevent the spread of the disease and provide appropriate treatment.

A variety of canine sputum tests are available, including ELISA, PCR, and latex agglutination. The most common and convenient test is the ELISA test, which uses a device called SNAP to detect viral antigens in a stool sample. The test is easy to administer, and results are available within minutes. A positive result indicates that the dog is infected with canine parvovirus, and a negative result means that the dog is not infected or has an infection level below the detection limit of the test. However, a negative result does not rule out the possibility of infection, and the test should be repeated if the dog shows clinical signs or has a history of exposure to the virus.

Parvo Test Price

2500 Rs

Vaginal Cytology

Vaginal cytology is a diagnostic technique that examines cells shed from the female dog’s vaginal lining. It is used to determine the stage of the estrous cycle, which is the period of sexual activity and fertility in dogs. Vaginal cytology can also help diagnose infections and tumors in the genital tract.

To perform a vaginal cytology test, a cotton swab is inserted into the vagina, and cells are collected by gently scraping the walls. The swab is then placed on a glass slide and stained with a dye that makes the cells visible under a microscope. Cells are classified into four types: basal cells, parabasal cells, intermediate cells, and superficial cells. The proportion of these types of cells changes in response to hormonal fluctuations during the estrous cycle.

The estrous cycle consists of four stages: anestrus, proestrus, estrus, and estrus. Estrus is a period of sexual inactivity, and the vagina is largely composed of basal and parabasal cells. Proestrus is a period of preparation for mating when estrogen levels increase and vaginal cells enlarge and keratinize. The vagina also shows signs of swelling and bleeding. Estrus is a period of ovulation and acceptance of mating, when progesterone levels increase and most vaginal cells become superficial and nucleated (without a nucleus). The vagina is still swollen, but the bleeding has decreased. Estrus is a period of pregnancy or false pregnancy during which progesterone levels remain high and vaginal cells return to basal and parabasal types. The vagina will return to its normal size and appearance.

Vaginal cytology is an easy and inexpensive way to monitor your dog’s heat cycle and determine the best time to breed. However, there are limitations, such as variation in cycle length and subjective interpretation of cell type. Therefore, it is recommended to use vaginal cytology in combination with other methods, such as hormonal tests and ovulation tests, to obtain more accurate results.

Vaginal Cytology Test Price

1000 Rs

Blood Parasite Test

A blood parasite test is a test that can detect the presence of blood-borne parasites such as malaria, babesiosis, filariasis, and trypanosomiasis. These parasites can cause serious and sometimes fatal diseases that affect millions of people worldwide. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent complications and reduce mortality.

Blood parasite testing involves taking a blood sample from the patient and examining it using a microscope or molecular techniques. The most common types of blood parasite tests are:

Blood smear: This test is done by placing a drop of blood on a microscope slide and staining it with a dye that makes the parasites visible. The slides are then examined under a microscope to look for parasites or their eggs. This test can identify the type and stage of infection, but it requires skilled personnel and may not be sensitive enough to detect low parasite levels.
Serology: This test is done by measuring antibodies or antigens that the body produces in response to a parasitic infection. Although this test can indicate exposure and current infection status, it may not be specific enough to distinguish between different parasites or confirm clearance of infection.
PCR: This test is done by amplifying parasite DNA or RNA from a blood sample using a technique called polymerase chain reaction. The test can detect very low levels of the parasite and identify the type of infection, but it requires specialized equipment and trained personnel.

Blood Parasite Test Price

500 Rs

Fecal Examination

A stool test is a laboratory test that analyzes a stool sample for various indicators of digestive health. It helps diagnose gastrointestinal infections, inflammation, bleeding, malabsorption, and cancer. Stool testing may include a variety of tests, including:

Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) or fecal immunochemical test (FIT): These tests look for blood in the stool, which may be caused by an ulcer, polyp, or colorectal cancer.

Infectious disease tests: These tests check for bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, and other symptoms. This may include culture, microscopy, or molecular techniques to identify the pathogen.
Malabsorption tests: These tests look for signs of nutrient malabsorption, such as excess fat, undigested food, and decreased enzyme activity in the stool. These may indicate conditions such as celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, or pancreatic insufficiency.
To perform a stool test, the stool sample must be collected in a clean container and sent to the laboratory as soon as possible. Then the laboratory staff prepares and analyzes the samples using different methods and equipment. The results are reported to the health care provider who ordered the test, who interprets the results and provides a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Fecal Examination Test Price

500 Rs
